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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0293c23b.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  94KB  |  625x242  |  8-bit (249 colors)
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OCR: THE MONEY RANKON IGS:TAXABLE BOND FUNDS [erlan] ta $10.0001mostod iclara FUND NAME gred Advantago Govom aont Scr USt 10 $15.274 313G 577 Advantaga High Yiold HNYC 2R ] 16 11. 12 None Goverament Securitie: USG 13,779 4.75 Hig Yiald HYC 18. 17,182 10. 4.75 110 AM Hieh Yild Scuriti HYC 15.1 1.16 10. 4.75 AIM Income HYC 8F 10. 5.407 259.8 4.75 Allanco Bond- Yleld Pertollo HYC 1,80 4.75 133 Alliance Band. NontlyIncome Portfolia HG 6,191 4.75 12. ALli ecBnd-U.S Coere Peri.A USG 15,20 520.5 Allanco Mortgage Incoms SocuritlosA 10.8 15,367 752.3 Multi 50 RANKINGS AXABLE 313G5